Saturday 24 January 2015

Funny Video

Are you big fans of Youtube? Here at MakeUseOf, we certainly are. The blogging platform brings together the idea of blogging together with social networking and has become home to some of the most creative, entertaining, humourous and thoughtful posts we’ve ever come across. With an easy-to-use backend that lends itself to both creating new content and sharing content that you like, it is home to some of the most viral content on the Web.
The sheer amount of content on Youtube, which makes it a joy to browse (as well as  very easy to lose hours of your day in the blink of an eye), sometimes you really do have to filter through a lot of repetitive content to get to the good stuff. For that reason, we’ve put together lists of recommended Youtube blogs that we think you should be following. We’ve already introduced you to and this week we’re taking a stab at some of the funnier offerings available on Youtube.